Friday, August 28, 2009

Tequila is doing very well. He has done well after his toe surgery but still has a slight limp.
This little guy is funny,cute and very full of personality. He loves kids, my boss was over with his 2 kids(a girl 7 and a boy 5). I had to put Tequila in his crate to keep him off of the kids. They played and he kissed them all over. Then he just stood there while the little boy petted and loved on him. Tequila has learned to play fetch. He also has a way of talking back to me when I tell him "NO". He is spring loaded and can jump straight up in the air when playing with his stuffies. This little man is going to be a wonderful dog for someone.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This guy is Greyt. He is going through a healing period after having surgery on Monday but he is so good. He is very patient while I get him ready to go outside with his plastic bag on his foot. He has not whined or cried once about having to stay in the crate and not run with the other. He is really sweet and will make someone a really greyt dog. He is very gentle and quiet but is also very goofy and playful. He is a keeper. He is very loving and has been an angel to foster.